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If you want to market your travel website or destination management page, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) should still be an important part of your digital marketing strategy in 2022. However, Google and other search engines are getting smarter year on year, and businesses are finding it difficult to keep up with what they need to do in order to get good rankings in the search listings.

This article will discuss 1 SEO techniques you should be including in your travel website marketing strategy in 2022.

Voice Search

Voice search is becoming more popular on mobile platforms. It is not uncommon to see users searching Google using voice on their mobile devices. Here are some stats to back that up:

  • Over 25% of consumers ages 16-24 years use voice search.
  • Over 52% of people use voice search while driving (Social Media Today)
  • Over 65% of consumers ages 25-49 years old talk to their voice-enabled devices daily (PwC)
  • On average, more men than women use voice search at least once per month (Social Media Today)
  • Over 50% of people are now researching products using voice search (Social Media Today)

Voice search is everywhere and I am pretty sure you have used a voice search service recently, whether that be Google, Alexa, or Siri. So what can we do to gain an advantage from this new trend?

Directory Listings

Firstly, list your business and location on the most important directories for voice search. Googles’ My Business profile, Bing, and Yelp are currently the most important. Ensure your business listing details are consistent across all directories.

List your business now:

Google My Business

Yelp Business

Bing Business

Content Optimization

People search differently with their voices than they do when they type the words. Depending on what type of travel business you are marketing will also affect the way people search for your business.

For example

Destination Search

If you wanted to know the weather forecast in New York:
You might type: weather forecast near me
You might say: weather forecast in new york?

Travel Agent Search

If you wanted to find a local travel agent:
You might type: travel agents near me
You might say: What travel agents are open in London NW1?

The thing to keep in mind is when we speak we use long-tail keyword phrases.

You can use Google to help you find your voice search phrases. If you type ‘London restaurant’ in Google, at the top of the results you now also get ‘People also ask‘ and here you will get new ideas of phrases or even new content to include on your webpage. A good idea for this is to create a FAQ page on your website and also create FAQs in Google Q&A within your Google My Business account. A recent Backlinko study found that a typical voice search result is 29 words in length – just right for a FAQ page! When optimizing your travel page for voice search, focus on short concise answers in the body of your content.